
Today marks the first time I have ever used a hash tag, but this topic is extremely lgbt_aca_benefits-508x1024important to the LGBT health. The Obama administration has helped end discrimination against LGBT Americans, such as repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and standing up against DOMA. His administration’s other notable accomplishment is passing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which has the potential to transform LGBT help. The ACA provides an option to affordable health insurance for LGBT Americans, and requires insurers to provide preventive care and certain screenings at no extra cost. Additionally, the ACA bans discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, and prohibits companies from discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions. Regardless of your political affiliation or viewpoint on the Obama administration, the ACA has the potential to provide health care to many LGBT Americans who previously did not have health insurance.


For more information, visit:

www.healthcare.gov or call 1-800-318-2596


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2 Responses to #GetCovered

  1. peggychinn says:

    Thank you for this important information, Michael! Recently I heard a discussion by Matthew Heinz, MD, (Director of Provider Outreadh, Office of Intergovernmental and external Affairs, US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary) talking about the particular concerns for LGBT individuals and families in relation to the ACA .. and he emphasized the importance of knowing about the special circumstances under which anyone can get covered any time. He particularly emphasized that one of the special circumstances is “misinformation!” If you tried to get information about your options during the open enrollment period, and received misleading or wrong information (which probably happened a lot to LGBT folks), you may quality now! I just posted this note our home page … but everyone .. spread the word!

  2. Peggy, thank you for adding that important information! As a layperson, the ACA can be confusing, and I am still learning about the implications of this health care law, especially as it relates to LGBT individuals and their families. I’ve heard that the help call line is incredibly helpful. Also, the health insurance market places that most (maybe all?) states have setup are also helpful to answer questions.

    Thanks again for your additional information!

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