
Visit our Archive of videos that we have featured in the past, and that remain valuable resources for LGBTQ health

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“It Gets Better” Project

The “It Gets Better” Project has grown from one video posted on YouTube by Dan Savage (columnist and author) and his partner, to let young LGBTQ people know that it does get better, and how to find a path to living who they are. Now there are a multitude of videos, and related projects, to prevent LGBTQ teen suicide and to give a path of hope to all young LGBTQ people. There are many videos on YouTube related to this project:  below are two that provide a sampling of what the project addresses:

“To treat me you have to know who I am”

New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s historic speech on LGBT Rights

On Thursday, Dec 6, 2011, US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivered a historic speech in Geneva, Switzerland, in recognition of International Human Rights Day. The speech focused on the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people around the world.

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